Struggling with Vertigo in Boulder CO?

chiropractic care helps patients with vertigo

Vertigo has the potential to negatively affect your everyday life in Boulder CO. People living with vertigo will often seek the assistance of a chiropractor, resulting in the relief of symptoms. Vertigo causes dizziness, which leads to a difficult time performing everyday tasks. A common struggle is determining the cause of vertigo and how to treat it. The goal of this article will be to explain the potential sources of vertigo and explain the benefits of chiropractic treatment at Dr. Robert Hochfelder Chiropractic Clinic and DOT Exam Center for relief.

Our chiropractic clinic in Boulder CO can help with vertigo symptoms.

Vertigo Care in Boulder CO

First, we should analyze the most frequent side effects to determine the severity of your vertigo. People on occasion mistake feeling dizzy for passing out or fainting feeling. To some, dizziness is when the world is spinning, which happens to be the true form of vertigo. Both types of dizziness require individual treatment, and should not be ignored.

From small problems to serious side effects, vertigo can be present in either a mild or aggressive form. Most people think dizziness is the only symptom of vertigo, which is false. Apart from general dizziness, vertigo can also be associated with:

  • Blurry vision or a lack of focus
  • Hearing issues, typically in a single ear
  • Ringing ears
  • Difficulty balancing
  • No energy
  • Seeing double

Causes of Vertigo

Vertigo has a number of catalysts. Often the issues causing vertigo are hidden. If you experience symptoms, medical help should be sought. Here are the most frequent conditions that may contribute to vertigo:

  • Migraines, tension headaches
  • Persistent ear pain
  • The brain is not receiving enough blood
  • Spinal damage from car accidents
  • Neck vertebrae out of line

The three body areas that contribute to vertigo are the head, inner ear, and spine. All three parts contribute to maintaining equilibrium in the body. When the spine is unable to send signals to the brain through your nerves, one may experience vertigo.

Chiropractic Care at Dr. Robert Hochfelder Chiropractic Clinic and DOT Exam Center for Vertigo

An effective and safe way to treat vertigo is through chiropractic care. First, you will be assessed thoroughly to appropriately treat your specific vertigo symptoms. The majority of people find relief from simple adjustments performed by their chiropractor, which results in a stable and fully functioning nervous system. Call today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Robert Hochfelder Chiropractic Clinic and DOT Exam Center to discover how to eliminate your vertigo in Boulder CO.


8:30am - 4:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm

10:00am - 6:00pm

8:30am - 4:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Dr. Robert Hochfelder Chiropractic Clinic and DOT Exam Center

1120 Alpine Ave. Ste F
Boulder, CO 80304

P: (303) 449-9280

F: (303) 449-3690